

  • Associate Preachers Ministry
  • B.A.C.K.U.P. Ministry (Born Again Christian Keeping Us Protected)
  • Congregational Care Ministry
  • Congregational Communications Ministry
  • Dance Ministry
  • Diaconate Ministry
  • Discipleship Ministry
  • F.A.M. Ministry (Faith And Membership)
  • Greeters Ministry
  • Intercessory Prayer Ministry
  • Life-Cycle Discipleship Ministry
  • K.E.Y. Ministry
  • Marriage Ministry
  • Media Ministry
  • Music Ministry
  • Pastor’s Aide Ministry
  • Sunday School Ministry
  • Trustee Ministry
  • Ushers Ministry

Ministry Descriptions

Please click the ministry titles below to view more information about each ministry.

  • Associate Preachers

    The Associate Ministers are individuals who have acknowledged they have received a call to ministry, specifically the ministry of preaching the Word of God. As such, have entered into ongoing training in the preaching ministry as licentiate ministers of the church; and serve in the area of the preaching ministry as well as other pulpit duties as directed. Individuals who share in this ministry share the experience of their call with the pastor and subsequently take part in Preacher In Training (P.I.T.) until the approved and appropriate time to evidence their call by way of a trial sermon before the congregation. Upon a favorable vote of the congregation, a preaching license will be granted, and he or she continues training in the gospel ministry as an Associate Minister.

  • B.A.C.K.U.P. Ministry (Born Again Christians Keeping Us Protected)

    The BACKUP Ministry provides the assurance of safety and security for those attending services of the church; and they do so before, during, and after their worship experience or church sponsored activity.

  • Congregational Care Ministry

    The Congregational Care Ministry provides chaplaincy to the members of the church through home and hospital visits, bereavement services, and regular correspondence to the sick and/or shut-in. In addition, this ministry represents the church and/or coordinates with the church the recognition of milestones and special significant life moments that are celebrated by members of the church.

  • Congregational Communications Ministry

    The Congregational Communications Ministry corresponds electronically with the membership of the church on mass to insure the members of the church are informed of all pertinent matters pertaining to the church, church sponsored activities, worship services, etc. Moreover, this ministry communicates categorically albeit it by gender, generational, ministries, or any specific group of the church for which correspondence is required for special meetings and/or events.

  • Discipleship Ministry

    The Discipleship Ministry focuses on the course of faith development by offering opportunities to learn the Word of God and its application. This life application approach is for providing direction in daily life routines, a Christian response to significant life events, and enlightens individuals through Divine revelation to their purpose. This ministry aids individuals who are endeavoring to live out their faith in Jesus Christ, as Disciples of Christ.

    • J.E.W.E.L.S. (Jesus Empowered Women Enriching Lives & Sisterhood) – Women’s Life-Cycle Discipleship
    • I.R.O.N. Men (Inspiring Reliable Overcoming Network of Men) – Men’s Life-Cycle Discipleship
  • Diaconate Ministry

    The Diaconate Ministry represents lead servants of the church whereas these individuals have committed themselves to oversee ministries and serve to assist the pastor in carrying out of the church’s mission as directed and/or needed. Persons who share in this ministry have demonstrated a dedication to service and as a result have been selected by the pastor approved by the congregation and have successfully passed an ordination council for this ministry.

  • F.A.M. (Faith And Membership) New Members

    F.A.M. Ministry is the ministry of the church that provides orientation to new members. This is an orientation to the Christian faith (if new to the Christian faith) and to the ministry of the Macedonia Baptist Church of Baltimore City and her organizational structure, services offered, and all of her diverse ministries. Individuals who share in this ministry must be approved by the Director of Christian Education and Discipleship.

  • Greeters Ministry

    The Greeters Ministry welcomes those who are attending worship services and/or church sponsored activities. This ministry is the initial expression of Christian hospitality to those sharing at the Macedonia Baptist Church of Baltimore City.

  • Intercessory Prayer Ministry

    The Prayer Ministry is made up of dedicated individuals who regularly (as in daily) pray for the church, the pastor, the ministries, the members, families, the community, the guests, and all requests for prayer that are brought to them. This ministry is dedicated to prayer and seeking God’s favor for the work and witness of the church; and for the mission, and the vision to be brought to fruition.

  • K.E.Y. Ministry (Kingdom Empowered Youth)

    The KEY Ministry centers on the Youth of the church as well as the youth within the community of church. This ministry seeks to provide a relevant witness of Jesus Christ to all children of all ages and backgrounds, with the aim of children establishing and developing a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ, all the while allowing children to be children. Persons who share in this ministry must be approved by the Director of Christian Education and Discipleship.

  • Marriage Ministry

    The Marriage Ministry encourages married couples through special gathering geared toward relationship improvement. Moreover, this ministry celebrates all significant milestones related to married couples i.e. anniversaries, house-blessings, etc.

  • Media Ministry

    The Media Ministry is responsible for all audio and visual components of a worship service, bible study, wedding, funeral and/or church sponsored programs in the sanctuary. Moreover, the Media Ministry provides for all services that are streamed, video on demand, recorded for social media platforms, and recorded in general for public purchase and/or outreach purposes.

  • Music Ministry

    The Music Ministry of the church is responsible for providing music to compliment the worship services, to encourage praise and worship, and to overall minister to the congregation through music. Those who share in this ministry have expressed their desire to serve through singing and/or playing a musical instrument to the Director of Praise and Worship; and have shared in rehearsals to determine placement.

  • Pastor’s Aid Ministry

    The Pastor’s Aid Ministry provides hospitality services to the pastor, and special guests of the pastor and/or the church. This ministry prepares the pulpit, podium, or lectern for pastoral ministry, preaching and preaching ministry by attending to the needs of pastor, preacher, and/or teacher for his or her moment to present.

  • Sunday School Ministry

    The Sunday School Ministry is an educational component of the church geared towards children ages 4-17. Through Sunday school children are taught through various methods in foundational areas of the Christian faith as well as fundamental, practical, core values. Those who share in this ministry must be approved by the Director of Christian Education and Discipleship.

  • The Dance Ministry

    The Dance Ministry prepares special dance routines to the purpose of complimenting the worship service through dance. This visual expression of ministry accentuates the lyrical and musical expressions of praise and worship, and provides worshippers with a contemporary alternative for their worship experience.

  • Trustee Ministry

    The Trustee Ministry of the church is made up of individuals, who are required by the State of Maryland, in regard of the business conducted by the church. These individuals are bonded and accept the fiduciary responsibilities for the management and maintenance of properties, the execution of contracts, and the finances related to the ministry. Persons who serve in this ministry have met the approval of the official board and the church body.

  • Ushers Ministry

    The Ushers Ministry assists in the seating of worshippers, the collection of tithes and offerings, and the dissemination of information to those attending the Macedonia Baptist Church of Baltimore City for a worship service and/or any other church sponsored activity, which would require their service. The Ushers Ministry are an expression of our Christian hospitality to all who enter the sanctuary of the church.